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We’ll admit it at the outset. Our digital marketing agency, Bake More Pies, just got more digital. By that, we mean we now offer a full range of technology consulting services including artificial intelligence implementation in marketing, process improvement and software selection.

Technology Consulting

As a part of creating successful digital marketing campaigns, Bake More Pies has used artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning for years. We help our clients gather the big data that lets them make better business decisions.

Our technology consulting also includes items like website development or redevelopment, search engine optimization (SEO), as well as search engine optimization analysis to determine holes in your website’s SEO. It also relates to choosing the appropriate hardware for your company.

Artificial Intelligence

Marketing was one of the first industries to use big data, AI and machine learning. One of the initial uses was gathering data for a company on a specific product or brand from various sources to provide a well-rounded picture of its typical customer. Sources of this information include point-of-purchase cash register data, data from coupon use, surveys, social media posts and other sources as they became available. Creating a constant stream of this data directly from each source point that dumps into a data lake lets us instantly add to an existing pool of information. Running queries on the data lets us obtain specific insights immediately that we can apply to the client’s marketing and advertising strategies and campaigns.

The staff at Bake More Pies can also help its clients leverage AI to improve customer service support and increase sales by automating up sales. Our digital agency does this by data gathering as well, to build a data set of the commonly searched for or asked questions regarding your company, product or brand. These searches do not always take place on your own website. Many take place in search engines like Bing and Google. By organizing and analyzing this information, we can create an informed set of questions and answers for your Frequently Asked Questions page. We can also plug those questions and answers into an AI chat bot that can automatically address the questions posed by your potential and existing customers. This enables the bot to respond to these queries without the assistance of a human. That saves you money by saving the time of your CSRs, so they can focus on more complex issues that require human attention.

Our AI specialization lets us write more realistic personas for use in your marketing. If you are unfamiliar with the term persona, you probably recognize the most famous ones – Betty Crocker and Aunt Jemima. Although based on actual people, these personas were not based on a single person. Each company researched their typical customer and created a completely invented persona – a non-person who represented their typical product purchaser. In the case of Aunt Jemima, the recipe for the initial product did come from a woman who had worked in the business owner’s household. The artist’s rendition of the character used in the company’s logo took inspiration from her photo and the headscarf she was fond of wearing.

Process Improvement

Implementing those AI bots falls under the category of process improvement. Bake More Pies has focused on improving our own processes since the day we opened. Now, after learning on our own and completing formal study on the topic, we offer services in process improvement.

Just as it sounds, process improvement refers to gathering information on your business procedures and processes, analyzing them and implementing improvements to the process where it would improve efficiency, cut costs and/or increase production or sales.

It goes by a number of other names, too. Process improvement is also known as continual improvement process (CIP), business process improvement (BPI), business process management (BPM) and business process re-engineering. Many methods exist for implementing this, but the most common include Six Sigma and the Japanese method of kaizen. The latter became famous when implemented by Toyota as its way of observing the operation of its manufacturing line to make small, but constant improvements that improved practices and procedures for the line workers and increased production. Years later, the process continues in use in a number of plants as well as in non-manufacturing settings.

At Bake More Pies, rather than use just one process for improving your business, we analyze you’re your type of business, interview you about your goals and the milestones you have set in your business plan, then we determine which improvement method would work best for your business. We use it to determine what procedures or processes you could improve and how, then we help you implement the changes.

Software Selection

One category of process improvement you may not have considered is software selection. We help you with this, too. This does not necessarily refer to office suite software although it can. We refer to software such as the customer service bots we mentioned, the data lake that collects the data streamed from various sources, your company Intranet and cloud software you would use to better collaborate and manage projects.

For example, you can use a software like Simpplr to create a turn-key Intranet for your company that connects every employee on your own Facebook-like social media. These profiles let each person customize their use, participate in teams assigned by their manager and integrates with a plethora of other apps including Slack, YouTube, Instagram and many others. Its built-in collaboration tools let teams create presentations and product plans together using tools similar to Zoom or joining Zoom meetings.

We use a bevy of software products in marketing and we became conversant in a number of software programs due to our consultancy. Part of our service includes conducting the research for you on the best solutions to your software needs. If you need to update your personnel software, for example, we would conduct research for you into the most suitable choices for your business by focusing on those used by the major companies in your industry. Rather than a part of competition analysis, this falls more under the proverbial keeping up with the Jones. Our research ensures that your software choices remain on par with industry standards and that you remain competitive.

Bringing It All Together

While it might seem that these technology consultations work at cross purposes, in truth, they work together to help you create a more efficient business and increase productivity. Leveraging AI with the right software and hardware choices can result in business process improvements. Analyzing your existing processes and procedures, then implementing improvements can increase your earnings.

Consider Bake More Pies your partner in increasing your return on investment (ROI) in your company. You invest in a consulting plan from us. The ROI comes from the added earnings you obtain by increasing the number of customers you move through your sales funnel. It also comes from the money you save by using software and hardware that reduces your costs. When you implement more efficient procedures, you save money as well. With more money coming in and less money going out, you increase the amount going to shareholders, or if you own a private company, that goes in your own coffers.

Let Bake More Pies help you get started. Contact us today to learn more about our technology consulting services.